Thursday, July 26, 2007

Speak Spanish Even If You Don't Speak It

Though there are many words in the Spanish language, only about 500–1,500 words are used in active vocabulary, or conversational vocabulary. Thus, unless you seek to go a Spanish poet, you necessitate not to memorise all the words in the Spanish dictionary.

Even if you don't talk a word of Spanish, it volition only take a few proceedings to larn some basic phrases that will aid you communicate. When traveling to Spanish speech production countries, don't anticipate that people there cognize English. Locals will appreciate even the most fundamental efforts to talk their linguistic communication and it will certainly assist you acquire around.

Here are some very basic phrases to assist you acquire around even if you don't talk a word of Spanish.

- Use "hola" ("OH-lah") for "hello", and "adios" (ah-dee-OHS) for "goodbye".

- Introduce yourself by saying "Mi nombre es" (mee NOHM-breh ehs) and then your name.

- Always usage the two magic words: "por favor" (pohr fah-vohr) for "please", and "gracias" (GRAH-see-ahs) for "thank you".

- State "si" (SEE) for "yes", and "no" (NOH) for "no". Or just nod or shingle your head.

- Use "yo quisiera" (yoh kee-SYEH-rah), which intends "I would like", or simply "quiero" (KYEH-roh), which intends "I want", and just point to whatever you want, remembering to complete it off with "por favor".

- Use "donde" (DOHN-deh), which intends "where", when you're looking for something.

- Use "donde esta" (DOHN-deh ehs-TAH), which intends "where is", and just point with your finger at whatever it is that you're looking for, again remembering to complete it off with "por favor".

- When explaining, usage "me comprende" (meh kohm-PREHN-deh), which intends "Do you understand me?"

- When the Spanish talker is telling you something and you cannot understand a thing, simply state "no entiendo" (noh ehn-TYEHN-doh), which intends "I don't understand".

- When the Spanish talker is giving you a name of a street or a topographic point and you cannot understand it, inquire him or her "escribalo, por favor" (ehs-KREE-bah-loh, pohr fah-vohr), which intends "please compose it down".

- If any effort of communicating fails, inquire "Habla ingles?" (AH-blah een-GLEHS), which intends "Do you talk English?" If the Spanish talker doesn't, he or she can probably happen person who does.

When traveling to Spanish speech production countries, retrieve to transport around a little phrase book or dictionary. You can look up words you don't cognize - and even point to them if you can't pronounce them. But, the best of all, usage the powerfulness of organic structure language: pointing, drawing, gesturing and pantomiming volition all aid you acquire your point across.

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